Italian-speaking professional, a profession with a future!

Imagine packing a bag right now, going on a gondola ride around Venice and having a chat with the gondolier. Or writing an e-mail to apply for that amazing job posting in Milan you saw. Imagine being the one to take charge during the next conference call with your firm’s Italian business partner.

Imagine being able to speak another language.

A different language is a different vision on life” – Federico Fellini

You want to experience everything the world has to offer. But first, you need to recognize it. Understand it. You need 20/20 vision. That’s what a new language gives you.

Welcome to Italian for beginners!

This Italian course will grant you a fundamental understanding of the language. You master the basics of grammar and sentence structure, and improve your vocabulary. You gain the knowledge and confidence to carry out conversations on different topics. The purpose of this Italian course is to teach you to express yourself, to be understood and understand others.

This course is for people who want to:

  • go to Italy and properly experience the culture
  • get to know their Italian friends and colleagues better
  • understand a different way of life
  • broaden their horizons

Learning a new language opens you up to amazing new possibilities. Sign up for an Italian course, and discover the world’s secrets!

Italy is a dream that keeps returning for the rest of your life

Anna Akhmatova
do you want...
  • to learn to speak, write, read and understand Italian at a basic level
  • to speak to locals in their native language at your next Italian vacation
  • to strengthen your CV and improve your career prospects
  • to more easily communicate with Italian friends, clients or business partners
  • to study at home at your own pace, with online guidance by a passionate teacher
Italian For Beginners
Professional training
Coursle - Centre For Distance Learning
Guided home study
3-6 months on average


Program Italian For Beginners
Italian for Beginners - Online Course
Course content
  • Basics. Alphabet and grammar fundamentals
  • Introducing yourself
  • In public; shopping and restaurants
  • Workplace communication
  • Goods and services. Ordering in Italian
  • Phone conversations
  • E-mail and written communication
  • Business meetings and conferences
Italian for Beginners - Home Course
Competences and skills
  • Command of basic Italian means you can carry out straightforward conversations, read and write texts, and add a new skill to your CV
Course - Italian (For Beginners)
Opportunities for the future
  • Italian guide
  • Tourist assistant
  • Translation agency employee
  • Travel agency employee
  • Italian Customer Service specialist

Starting dates group course Italian For Beginners

Study method:

At home


Wherever you want

First lesson:

Whenever you want

Last lesson:

Your own choice


Your own schedule


Practical info

Study trajectory

You can get started right after your registration! Your course will be posted immediately and you will receive it quickly at home. Thanks to the flexibility of a home study you study where and when you want. On top of that you get intensive guidance from your teacher for four hours via Skype, so you are certainly not alone! If you are ready, take your exam at one of our exam locations and if you pass, you will receive the diploma!

Financial info

Italian For Beginners
Professional training
Coursle - Centre For Distance Learning
Guided home study
3-6 months on average


Nice to know about your education Italian For Beginners

That's why you choose Coursle - Centre For Distance Learning
The Centre for Distance Learning, part of Ondernemersschool BV, is the largest training provider in the Benelux. It organizes professional training courses for adults from all over the world through the distance learning system. The school is nationally and internationally recognized by various professional associations such as the Wellness Federation, the Centre for Professional Qualification and is registered in the Central Register for Short Professional Education (CRKBO). This means that the educational institution complies with the Quality Code for Education Institutions for Short Professional Education. Moreover, the Center for Distance Learning meets the strict quality requirements of ISO 9001:2015.
Download the eCampus App
Study when and where you want.
Online professional guidance.
Unlimited exam attempts.

Recent blogs


Tony S.
Tony S.

The teacher is very involved with his subject and his students. We learned what is really necessary on the job.

Bruce B.
Bruce B.

Was always welcomed in a very friendly manner. Always received a clear explanation when I needed more info.

Peter P.
Peter P.

Already proved to be very useful to grow professionally.

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