Cookie policy

Ondernemersschool wants to make sure you can view, listen, read or experience our content at any place and at any time via various media platforms. Ondernemersschool also wants to bring you personalized, interactive services. To make this possible, Ondernemersschool uses online service techniques – such as cookies and scripts. These techniques are hereinafter referred to as cookies, for the sake of convenience. In this cookie policy, Ondernemersschool wishes to inform you which cookies are used and why. It also aims to explain the extent to which you, as an user, can control usage. Ondernemersschool wants to guarantee your privacy and the user-friendly nature of its online service as much as possible. Ondernemersschool has tried to keep this policy as simple as possible.

This cookie policy applies to all Ondernemersschool online services, in particular all websites, (mobile) applications and Internet services that Ondernemersschool offers and that provide access to Ondernemersschool content.

Ondernemersschool retains the right to change the cookie policy at any time. This can happen, for example, in the context of changes to its services or relevant legislation. The amended policy will then be announced on the relevant Ondernemersschool online services and will apply for the moment it was announced.

What exactly are cookies?
Cookies are small data or text files that are installed on your device when you visit a website or use a (mobile) application. The cookie file contains a unique code that allows the server to recognize during the visit or during consecutive, repeated visits. Cookies can be placed by the server of the website or application you’re visiting, but also by third-party scripts that may or may not work with this website or application.

Cookies make the interaction between you and the website or application faster and easier, and help you navigate between different parts of a website or application.

How can you refuse or manage the use of cookies on Ondernemersschool online services?
You can refuse the installation of cookies through your browser settings. You can also delete the already installed cookies from your computer or mobile device at any time by following the instructions below:

Internet Explorer:




When disabling cookies, remember that certain graphics may lose some quality and you may not be able to use certain applications. Below, you’ll find a detailed list of all types of cookies that Ondernemersschool uses on its website.

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